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Hudson's Malamutes - The Adults - Girls From The Past - Chyanne
Chyanne has found a great forever home!
Hey Jolene,
Here is another picture of Chyanne (with me & Zoey
to boot). Notice all the burrs in their
fur. It was not fun picking them off!
After she eats, Chyanne always takes a mouthful of
food somewhere & buries it. Notice all the burrs in
her hair from her romp I told you about,
Clyde March 12, 2008
Hi Jolene,
As I sit here at the computer before I go to bed, I just
had to write and let you know about Chayenne. First
of all, her fur came back all the way. You were right,
she is the most beautiful dog I have ever seen! I swear!
Gorgeous animal!!!
Second, she has got to be the most loving animal I've
ever been around. She won't even eat her supper until
she has had some lovin'. That dog wants to be loved 24
hours a day, I mean it. She can't get enough. Sweet girl.
She continues to eat very well, and she still plays with
Chip alot. She appears to love it here and seems happy
with us. She never does anything wrong, obeys all our
commands. In short, she seems to be the perfect dog. I
love her more than any dog I've ever had in my life.
Special girl.
In closing, your claims on your web site are true. I have
Zoey and Chayenne from your kennels and they are
both beautiful and loving animals. Conclusion, dogs
from your kennel do have a great temperament and are
beautiful. You bet when I want to get a new friend in the
future, you know where I will come. Thanks for giving
us the pleasure of having the most perfect dog we have
ever seen!
Clyde March 28, 2006
Hi Jolene,
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... oops, wrong
e-mail. An update on your, I mean our big red dog. She and Silver,
our old male, still despise each other. He growls at her if she gets
too close and she ignores him like he is a nasty bug. But, there have
been no more fights. He knows better.
She gets along with the other two very well, especially the young
male who she hangs out with and plays with most of the time. The
young male (Chip) tries to mate with her sometimes which has led
to me now calling him "HornDog". Of course she will have none of
it. This morning they were so happy because the temp was 17
degrees. They were rearing up like two big stallions on the range. I
was shivering and wishing it was spring.
We are thinking we will take her to the vet during the 3rd week of
Feb. to do "THE DEED". We dread it because #1 we will miss her
terribly just for the short time. #2 we don't want her to think we are
taking her away for good. She really loves it here. What dog wouldn't
love an acre to run on surrounded by a fortress to keep them safe from
the unpleasant things.
The big "Chy" does not care for dog biscuits at all. She does like the
"Kibbles & Bits" we feed her, and she eats well everyday. She is filling
out and her hair is coming back. It won't be long before she has her
movie star looks back in full force. By the way, she absolutely still loves
the bacon and chicken strip treats we give her. She gets so excited over
them that I think her green eyes will pop right outta her head.
She continues to love us like she's known us all of our lives. What a
special Girl she is. I can't tell you the pleasure she has brought to our
lives! Not to say our other 3 dogs were boring, but she does bring a
fresh "spark" out there. You can just call her "Miss Personality".
Well I do tend to ramble on, don't I? After 57 years on this planet I
still get excited over the teriffic things in life. Dogs just happen to be
the best 'teriffic' in my humble opinion. I will agree with your web
page, your dogs DO have the best tempermanent I have ever seen.
From Zoey to Chyanne, they are sweethearts. You can really be proud
of your 'girls'.
PS. After Chyanne's spay, if the "HornDog" doesn't quit trying to mate
with her, I will have his butt neutered. After all, a girl can only put up
with so much attention.
From Doggie Central,
Clyde February 07, 2006
Hi Jolene,
Just a short note to let you know about your big red dog. She whipped our
older dog's butt 2 more times before he started to leave her alone & accept
her. No damage to her but he got a cut on his ear and nose. He is okay, his
pride is just a little hurt. I've started calling him 'Rocky' but my wife doesn't
approve. I'll tell her that Rocky is training and jumping rope. *Ha Ha*
She continues to be happy here. She gets along well with the other 2
dogs and plays with them daily. As for us, she acts like she's known us all
her life. She will put her head under my arm and love on me. She loves
to make eye contact with you... BOY does she ever. She will stare into
your eyes till you think she is looking into your very soul. We love her
very much.
Her favorite thing in the whole wide world is bacon treats. I will give
her a couple every morning when Pat goes to work to keep her and the
others occupied so that they won't get her working clothes dirty. So all in
all, I would have to say that she does love it here, and runs all over the
place. We will guard her with our very lives and protect her from the
badies of the world. Thank you so much for trusting us with such a special
PS. Don't tell Pat but Chyanne is now my favorite dog here!
Clyde January 30, 2006
The most beautiful red Malamute I have ever seen.... That is the best way to describe Chyanne. And, her pups are just as beautiful as their mother. If you see a red Mal pup, you need to ask if Chyanne is their mother or grandmother. She has a beautiful flowing red coat. She does well in her pack. She is not really bossy, only when it comes to getting my attention. She likes to always know what is going on and will be the first to tell the whole world that she should be first. I am blessed to have Chyanne as part of my kennel. Thanks, Sherry.....
Chyanne - December 2004
Chyanne - October 2005