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Hudson's Malamutes - Webmaster

my first Mal, Wolf
I'm Jolene's webmaster, Sheryl Franklin.
I 'virtually' met Jolene right after my second rescue Mal, Taylor, went over the rainbow bridge. She was about 7 or 8 when I got her, and she left us after 4 short years. I knew I needed more than 4 years with my next Mal, so I went on a puppy hunt and found Hudson's Malamutes. Jolene & I hit it off right away, swapping first dog stories. I got my beautiful boys, Sebastian and Cinnabar from her.
Because of my experience with rescue dogs, and knowing the need for early training with this magnificent breed, Alaskan Malamutes, encouraging others to train their puppies is important to me. Training helps ensure they will not end up in rescue.
With that in mind, my time putting up "Past Puppy Kindergarten Graduation", "Past Puppy Obedience Graduation" and other Past Puppy training photos is donated. I'd love to see dozens & dozens of training photos on this site, knowing those pups are getting the best start possible from their loving humans, ensuring they won't end up in rescue. That is all the payment I need for my time putting up your Hudson's pup's graduation photos.
Jolene encouraged me to "plug" my design & hosting business here, so I am doing so :)
I'd love to work with other breeders on sites. Putting up a site is a lot of detail work, but when it's with animals, an awful lot of fun.
My most agonizing decisions are deciding which beautiful photos work best on a page. Tough job, but it's got to be done. :)
Other than a rescue site, the only other Alaskan Malamute site I will do, is my own site for my own dogs. Of course, that site (a work in progress) will never be as up-to-date as this site, or any of my customers' sites :)
However, the main reason for this page is to encourage you to get your puppies into Puppy Kindergarten and then Basic Obedience, and then send your photos to Jolene. We'll get them on the site, which will encourage others to follow your great lead in creating well-mannered Alaskan Malamutes!