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Cimarron Alaskan Seal Alaskan Malamute - Bar - Eye Shadow - Necklace Alaskan Seal - Black or black-tipped guard hairs with white or cream undercoat Bar - A dark area extending from the center point of the cap down the nose. Eye Shadow - Dark markings under the eyes which do not extend out to the cap. Necklace - Curving band of dark color across the chest. littermate of Fenwick
I believe he thinks no one can see him because he hides his head, that's all he can get under the bed anyway but he does that to watch for whoever comes into the room, if it's Lakota he gives her a growl sometimes and other times nothing, she comes in. When I see him I tell him, I see that boy and then in the picture below he comes out of hiding I have to share the bed and hold on so I don't roll off at night, he just makes himself comfortable and snores in my ear.
Sheila February 05, 2010
Just a short note to wish you and the babies a healthy and happy new year.
Last time I wrote about Cimarron still being so jealous of Lakota I forgot to mention it is most likely my own fault making him this way.
It is impossible to stop kissing him or hugging him!
Sheila January 01, 2010
Yes, my baby is doing well, you would never know a few weeks ago he hurt like he did.
The vet gave him steroid shot that will last 4-6 weeks he said and I am doing my best to stop the treats with them.
Lakota is thin, she is outside running around in the yard as soon as the cool weather comes in.
The only running Cimarron does is after her for aggravating him, they are playing but for as big as he is, it doesn't take him anytime to be on your heels if he has to, he has speed you wouldn't expect.
Cimarron was a real terror when he left the little pudgy puppy stage and grew up, he was not that bad with Lakota beings she was a girl and spayed but with Cody he saw nothing but aggression with him and Cody was also neutered.
It was about a year after he was neutered that he settled down and was not near as bad as he was with Cody before.
It takes time, love and patience with these giant teddy bears to teach them they are not the boss, you are.
I also got little plastic bottles from Walmart and filled them with water, they were spray bottles in the hair section to wet the hair, inexpensive little things and when I first started I put lemon juice in with the water and when he became aggressive, sprayed him in the face with it to break his thoughts and did it as many times as I needed to until he would give up and stop.
They are strong willed and it is not an easy thing to accomplish but it can be done.
I know that I could not bring another male into the house, a female possibly without any problems as long as she left his food alone!
He is still bad over the food though, especially now being on a diet but the way to handle that is to be sure either they all have something to eat at the same time or none, don't ever give one and not the other because he goes after it.
I can sit and tell him to be a good boy and not to touch that biscuit because it is hers but you can see in his eyes, there is going to be trouble.
I take the biscuit Lakota did not eat and put it away, I don't give it to him.
I have to admit that he does not like Lakota being so close to me but I bring her up on the bed with us and make him accept her being there, most of the time he does if she just lays down but wanting kisses he is not fond of.
He just considers himself the man of the house I guess.
They are like children, you have to constantly teach them manners and behavior and if you can't do it yourself you need to get a trainer for them, if you can not afford one, you better pass on this breed and look more to the beagle.
I don't know if I was any help to you or not but I am being honest.
Sheila November 20, 2009
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and your New Year is fabulous, most of all healthy!
I have been thinking about getting another baby, since I lost Cody it seems like there is still one missing, of course there is.
My question is, how do you think Cimarron would take this since he's become the tough guy and sticks to me like glue.
Well, not exactly, he sleeps on the porch at night when it is good and cold then comes in and gets into bed with me, first he has to fluff the pillow and then he lays down.
He and Lakota get along good but they were puppies together so I am a little afraid and don't want to do anything that will cause a problem.
I finally had to put up the gate guard in the back because he would jump out!
What is your suggestion?
thanks so much
Sheila December 31, 2008
My Cimarron likes to get one of those pork twists and puts it in his mouth like a cigar, this boy is one of a kind.
When I had to put my beloved Cody to sleep in May I didn't think I could ever get that much feeling again for another but I have.
I always loved him and thought he was so beautiful but the bond was not there as long as Cody was alive, it's taken months to put to rest old feelings and get on with things again and your baby has made my life so much easier being here for me.
I can't thank you enough for the beautiful little boy you allowed me to buy, he is nothing short of precious and I love him dearly.
Just wanted to let you know!
Sheila October 09, 2008
Hope you remember this boy of ours!
He had his summer cut a few weeks ago and now instead of laying over the AC vents, he stays in the bed with us, when it grows back in, he heads back to the AC to keep cool.
The other pictures are of him outside this winter, he has such a personality, he is unbelievable, he is also 170 pounds, vet weighed after he had his summer hair cut and he is NOT fat, this boy is Pure Muscle.
Thought you would like to see how he is doing
Sheila June 23, 2007
Just a note to let you know our boy is doing fantastic, last time at vet about 2 months ago to get his nails trimmed, he weighed 156 and looks more like a bear cub than a baby boy! haha
He was taking a nap, I covered him up and woke him up
He likes to lay on all my pillows and knock them on the floor
Sheila November 25, 2006
just thought a couple pictures of my baby would be nice to share with you so you can see how spoiled he is, above he
has one of his pork rolls in his mouth, for some reason the silly holds it like a cigar! when I give him one he flips it around in his mouth until he gets it where he wants it and then he runs with it, most of the time it is the side of his mouth, picture below he was helping me in the garden so he wore his hat to keep the sun out of his eyes. He got a summer cut this year because the heat was too much, he has been so much more comfortable and by the time winter gets here his coat will be back in full. Last visit at to the vet about 2 weeks ago and his weight was 157 pounds!
Thank you for having such a wonderful baby for me to find a little more than 2 years ago!
Sheila July 31, 2006
I bought my bear cub a big bone! Hope you enjoy the pictures
Sheila March 18, 2006
Just thought I would give you an update on my baby boy.
Last time at vet he weighed in at 149 lbs
He goes every 2-3 months to get his bath which he loves and they love having him, they all love this guy like no other dog they took care of they say.
They all still get their liver at night but changed from chicken livers to beef liver, after I boil it and dump off the junk. He loves the pig snoots, chicken filets and everything else, not much he does not like.
When I make my husbands business cards I put the 3 of them on it and everyone says what a gorgeous brute he is, even had a Ga. state trooper pull up beside me one day and I thought oh boy, what's this guy want, he just wanted to say what beautiful dogs I had, how do you like that for a State Trooper!
Can't thank you enough for this baby, he is the 2nd love of my life, would be destroyed if anything happened to him.
Hope you are well, thank you again,
Sheila March 01, 2006
My baby is fine, he is doing great and the problem I had with him and the dominance is gone, he gets along like he did before with Lakota and Cody fine.
Neutering him did take care of that and I was so thankful for that and once he adjusted and settled down and realized I was not going to put up with that stuff and not afraid of him, all settled down.
He and Lakota are the best playmates again, above is a picture I got of the two of them sitting at the back steps, they sit and patrol the back yard perimeter for intruders, people, squirrels and anything else!
Can't tell you how much I love this boy and how happy I am to have found you and these babies!
Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!
Sheila December 01, 2005
Cimarron worked so hard today
Cimarron gets up on the picnic table and looks in the kitchen window at me
I got outside quick while he was still up on the table looking in the window a me to get this shot
February 17, 2005
earlier photos of Cimarron below
Cimarron's litter mate, Fenwick, is on Page 19 and his non-littermate brother, Duke, is on Page 33

Cimarron still tries to squeeze into his favorite spot over the air vent, Lakota goes back to her spot as well, only during the day that is, night in with mom, all of them
Cimarron & pals

For anyone who says Huskies and Malamutes can't live together, above is evidence they do great in the same household

Looking to see what the other to are up to
Cimarron at 5½ months old
Cimarron's puppy pictures at Hudson's |
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or look them up by puppy name
Abby Ace Ah-me Aikido Alpha AnnaBella Bear Apache Apache Nyga Apollo Aspen Aspen Ebony Aspen Isis Athena Atlas Atka Augusta Augustus Baloo Balou Bandit Bandit Beignet Bella Blizzard
Casey Cash Chalali Chinook
Cimarron Cinnabar Clicquot
Cowboy Dakota Dakota Nyga Dakota Cherokee Damnit
Danali (Zawarah) Danali Daulton Diamond Dozer Duke
Fenwick Foxy Grizzley Gumbo Gunner Harley Huan Hunter
Java Icy Jill Jinx Juliette Juneau Juneau R-Tic Juneau Judo Juno Kaskae
Kaydan Kayobi
Keara Jade Kenzi Khali
Kindred Kip Kissa
Kita Koa
Koda (Keva - LA)
Koda (Keva - ME)
Koda (Zawarah)
Kodi Legs
Kodi (Ruby) Kodi (Shahana) Kodi (KuBear) Kodi (Okoee)
Kodiak (Laney) Kodiak (Tawnie) Kodiak (Zawarah) Kozei Kujo
Kulmalla Kury Lacey Lakota Laiya
Leia Leta Lex Logan
Loki Loki Kayobi Maui Maya Meeka Mia Meika
Miki Miko Mikou
Misty Mojo Moses  
Murray Nanuq Nicko Nikko Niko Noel
Odin Oreo Panda Phoenix Promise Raiden Rastus Reba Rebel Riku
Riley Rocky Rukus Sahara Sasha Sasha red Samson
Sebastian Sebastian (Isis)
Serenity Snow Angel Shadow Shila Shiloh Shtiya Shuka Siku
Sitka Sitka (Shinook) Smokey Sophie Spirit Spynx Odin Summer Taku
Talon Blaze Tango Tank Tayen
Tikaani (Tiki) Thor Thor Ruby Thunder Timber Timber (Shinook) Tyko
Ukiah Baby Vito Werther Whilloughby
Willow Yogi Yukon Zeus Zeus Keva Zoey
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