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Hudson's Malamutes - Past Alaskan Malamute Puppies - Page 91
Send us your Kindergarten & Obedience Graduation photos!!
Bandit Black Alaskan Malamute - Full Mask - Blaze
Black - Black guard hair with black or dark gray undercoat
Full Mask - Combination of cap, goggles, and bar
Blaze - A white mark extending from the center point of the cap back up the forehead. Width and length can vary
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Maya Wolf Gray Alaskan Malamute - Bar - Eye Shadow
Wolf Gray - Gray guard hairs with light gray, cream or white undercoat. Dog definitely appears gray even though there may be some black hairs on the topline. No red factor evident
Bar - A dark area extending from the center point of the cap down the nose.
Eye Shadow - Dark markings under the eyes which do not extend out to the cap.
Thumper and Sasha are dad and mom |
Hi Jolene;
Attached are some pictures of Bandit and Maya taken over the last few months. They were 2 years old on March 14 and bandit was 115 lbs and Maya was 95. Jon, the trainer at the Petsmart store I go to told me he just put a deposit on the next red puppy you get. He's hoping it will be soon.
Ron April 2010
Hi Jolene;
I've been a bit negligent in sending pictures of Bandit and Maya over the last few months, so here are a few to catch up. Bandit and Maya are now 19 months and are starting to look more mature. Bandit is 115 lbs and 29 inches, Maya is 90 lbs and 27 inches. In the pictures with both of them you can really see the difference that 2 inches and 25 lbs make. It's amazing how long Bandit's winter coat is when you compare his latest pictures to those taken during the summer. Under all that fur he's quite thin so there's still potential for him to put on quite a bit of weight. He's become quite the escape artist. A few months ago he learned how to get out of his collar by going to the end of his tie-out, turning around and pulling his head out. So, I finally gave in and bought a harness last week. It took me longer to figure out how to get it on him than it took him to get out of it. He grabs the chest strap with his teeth and holds it while he lifts and pulls his front legs out one at a tiime. At least I always know when he gets loose because Maya comes to the door and starts howling (She hasn't figured out how to do it yet).
I'll try to send some picture more often.
Ron November 2009
Hi Jolene;
Hope everything is well with you. Attached are pictures of Bandit & Maya at 15 months. Bandit is now 111 lbs and Maya is 90. Both are still doing well and are great. One of the trainers at the Petsmart store I go to likes them so much that he visited your web site and now says his next dog will be from
Hi Jolene;
Just a quick email to let you know that on March 14, Bandit and Maya were 1 year old. Attached are their latest pictures. Bandit weighs 105 and Maya is 87 lbs.
Ron March 19, 2009
Hi Jolene;
Attached are some pictures of Bandit and Maya at 10 months. Nothing new to update you on, they're both still doing great.
Ron January 18, 2009
Hi Jolene;
Attached are updated pictures of Bandit and Maya. They turned 9 months old this week. Bandit is now 101 lbs and Maya is 76.
It's great having two dogs and there's very little extra work with having two rather than just one. They play all day long, stopping only long enough to have short rests then they're at it again. There's no way I could give just one the exercise they get together.
They're friends with all the neighbours and other dogs in the area. When we're out for a walk and they see one of their puppy friends or a neighbour, they get so excited it's getting pretty hard to hold them back. You'd never know they had leash walking training.
Hope everything is well with you.
Ron December 18, 2008
Hi Jolene;
Attached are some pictures of Bandit and Maya at 8 months (Nov 14). Both are doing well and continue to grow although at a slightly slower rate. On Nov 13 at the vet Bandit was 97.5 lbs and Maya was 72.5 lbs, an increase of 7.5 lbs for each of them over the last month. With the cooler weather and a little snow, they want to stay outside all the time. I even have trouble getting them to come in at night for bed.
Hope everything is well with you;
Ron November 18, 2008
Hi Jolene;
Attached are the latest pictures of Bandit and Maya at 7 months.
There's not much new to update you with this month. Both continue to do well. For their 7 month birthday presents I got them "fixed". At the checkup vet visit today Bandit was 91 lbs and Maya was 67.
I hope everything is well with you
Ron October 20, 2008
Hi Jolene;
It's been a busy summer and I've been negligent in sending pictures so I'm now catching up.
Both Bandit and Maya graduated from Puppy Kindergarten in August. Although the training covers the basics, I still believe the true value of this course is the socialization with other puppies and their owners. At the first session, Maya was quite shy but after a couple of weeks she was as outgoing as any of the other puppies. In fact, at the start of each class she would go around and say hi to all the puppies and their owners.
Each has developed their own unique personalities. Bandit is more laid back with a "ya whatever" attitude. He comes when called and does what is asked but takes his time doing it. Maya is a true "girlie girl". She enjoys being brushed and likes to be comfortable. If it's too hot outside she'll go out to do her business and then wants in right away. Bandit will just lay in the shade and stay there all day.
They will be 6 months old on Sept 14. On Sept 3, at the vet, Bandit weighed 77.7 lbs and was 23 ¾ inches at his shoulder. Maya weighed 54.4 lbs and was 22 inches tall. This week, on the home scale (which has been the same as the vet's every time he was weighed at the vet) Bandit was 82 lbs and was 24 inches and Maya was 55 lbs and 22.5 inches. So although Maya is considerably lighter, she is only an inch and a half shorter than Bandit.
Hope all is well with you. More pictures and updates will follow as they both develop.
Ron September 12, 2008
Hi Jolene;
It was nice talking to you today. Attached are some pictures of Bandit and Maya, littermates from Thumper and Sasha. Both puppies are better than I ever expected. Both are growing like crazy. When we got Bandit at 9 weeks he was 22.5 lbs. At 16 weeks he is 48 lbs. Maya is a little slower but I'm sure she'll catch up. At 11 weeks she was 18 lbs and at 16 weeks she is 31 lbs.
You are right about Puppy Kindergarten and I would recommend it to everyone. I have taken dog training courses in the past but the Petsmart one is by far the best. It's worthwhile not only for the socialization and interaction with other puppies and their owners but the small tips you learn are invaluable. After just 4 sessions and with only a few minutes training a day, there is an amazing difference in both puppies.
I'll send more pictures and comments on their development as they grow. Please feel free to use them anyway you want. I would be happy to provide a reference for you to any potential buyers you may have, now or at any time in the future.
Ron July 08, 2008
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or look them up by puppy name
Abby Ace Ah-me Aikido Alpha AnnaBella Bear Apache Apache Nyga Apollo Aspen Aspen Ebony Aspen Isis Athena Atlas Atka Augusta Augustus Baloo Balou Bandit Bandit Beignet Bella Blizzard
Casey Cash Chalali Chinook
Cimarron Cinnabar Clicquot
Cowboy Dakota Dakota Nyga Dakota Cherokee Damnit
Danali (Zawarah) Danali Daulton Diamond Dozer Duke
Fenwick Foxy Grizzley Gumbo Gunner Harley Huan Hunter
Java Icy Jill Jinx Juliette Juneau Juneau R-Tic Juneau Judo Juno Kaskae
Kaydan Kayobi
Keara Jade Kenzi Khali
Kindred Kip Kissa
Kita Koa
Koda (Keva - LA)
Koda (Keva - ME)
Koda (Zawarah)
Kodi Legs
Kodi (Ruby) Kodi (Shahana) Kodi (KuBear) Kodi (Okoee)
Kodiak (Laney) Kodiak (Tawnie) Kodiak (Zawarah) Kozei Kujo
Kulmalla Kury Lacey Lakota Laiya
Leia Leta Lex Logan
Loki Loki Kayobi Maui Maya Meeka Mia Meika
Miki Miko Mikou
Misty Mojo Moses  
Murray Nanuq Nicko Nikko Niko Noel
Odin Oreo Panda Phoenix Promise Raiden Rastus Reba Rebel Riku
Riley Rocky Rukus Sahara Sasha Sasha red Samson
Sebastian Sebastian (Isis)
Serenity Snow Angel Shadow Shila Shiloh Shtiya Shuka Siku
Sitka Sitka (Shinook) Smokey Sophie Spirit Spynx Odin Summer Taku
Talon Blaze Tango Tank Tayen
Tikaani (Tiki) Thor Thor Ruby Thunder Timber Timber (Shinook) Tyko
Ukiah Baby Vito Werther Whilloughby
Willow Yogi Yukon Zeus Zeus Keva Zoey
Puppy Kindergarten Graduate Photos Basic Obedience Graduate Photos