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Hudson's Malamutes - Past Alaskan Malamute Puppies - Page 38
Send us your Kindergarten & Obedience Graduation photos!!
Riley Wolf Sable - Bar - Eye Shadow
Wolf Sable - Black or gray guard hairs with a reddish undercoat and red trimmings. Both black and red factors evident. Bar - A dark area extending from the center point of the cap down the nose Eye - Shadow - Dark markings under the eyes which do not extend out to the cap.
Riley is a littermate of Cinnabar and Rebel and a non-littermate sibling of Kozei
Thumper & Ruby are mom & dad |
Hi Jolene,
It has been awhile since I have written and just wanted to give you an update on Mr. Riley. We are starting to see the adult in Riley—he loves family time and is getting gentler by the day. While he tips the scales at 159 (I never would have believed it!) he is a lap dog and loves to sit on the couch with us. He can even keep his feet on the floor!! Riley loves giving hugs and mimics us by patting my head just like I do with him. Of course, his paws are larger than my hands so he can pet back really well. He looks just like his mom –especially in his expressions!
Kids love him and so do we! Enjoy the new photos.
Take care,
Riley, and Allison and Knox Barnett October 29, 2007
Hi Jolene,
Just a note to say hello. Riley is doing great. After constant training and hope that I could overcome his dominant streak, I can finally say that Riley is a really good boy! He loves to just spend time with us and give lots of hugs and kisses. Even better is that he shares all of his toys with us (mostly bones because anything "indestructible" is destroyed in under a minute thanks to the jaws of steel).
Riley is now learning to entertain himself and loves to play soccer and fetch. It is a blast to watch him. He is growing into a wonderful dog and the love that we hoped for.
Take care and enjoy the pictures.
Riley, and Allison and Knox Barnett December 13, 2006
Hi Jolene,
Well, my 14 month old way is thick and muscular and still very mischievous. Riley purposely steals things to trade in for a treat (which is green beans.) I laugh everytime he tilts his head to think and give big kisses. His build and looks are just like his mom, Ruby. (Actually, he is built like Ruby's dad...a long, tall body.) He also has her sweet temperament.
He is a good boy, but can outwit and outthink me pretty often. It is hard to stay one step ahead!
We love our big boy! I have sent the latest photos of Riley and his friends for you to enjoy.
Take care and give the puppies lots of love.
Riley, and Allison and Knox Barnett May 15, 2006
Hi Jolene,
I just wanted to send you a few new pictures of Riley. My favorite one is the one where Riley is facing me and 'smiling.' He is becoming a family dog and loves to be with us no matter what we are doing. Riley is still growing of course, now in muscle more that height... He is a great big goofball who loves to kiss and have his people with him as much as possible.
Take care and enjoy the pictures!
Riley, and Allison and Knox Barnett March 11, 2006
Hi Jolene,
Just wanted to let you know that I am doing great! I love my people who give me lots of love and hugs...and treats, too! Mommy no longer lets me nip at her and says that it is time that I learn my manners. So, now I only nip when I can't resist...and then I roll over for a belly rub to show her that I was only kidding. I love having my tummy rubbed --even when Mommy and Daddy hold my feet. I also love to play fetch with my red ball. Daddy will wrestle with me and Mommy is always keeping an eye on me. I can't get away with anything anymore.
My vet says that I am a handsome boy. I tend to scare the other puppies with my size, but I just want to play. I start my Canine Good Citizen Obedience classes tomorrow and am very excited to meet more friends.
Here are some pictures of me to enjoy. Take care and tell the others hello!
Riley, and Allison and Knox Barnett January 07, 2006
Hi Jolene,
I hope you are doing well! Riley is 5 months tomorrow, and it seems like yesterday that I spoke with you about adopting a cuddle pup. How time flies! My cuddle puppy is now bigger than me and all muscle. Riley has all of his adult teet and just had a huge growth spurt, weighing in at 84.5lbs and measuring 23" at the shoulder. Each day we see changes in Riley's build...one day thick, the next day tall and thin. It is amazing. We have to laugh at his big ears. When floppy, he is so cute. Then his ears stand up for a day and he looks all grown up. The next day, the ears have flopped back down and he has grown another inch or so, tripping over his own feet. Riley definitely provides plenty of exercise and entertainment!
I love watching your beautiful puppies grow and thought you would enjoy seeing how this little guy has grown already.
Allison and Knox August 05, 2005
Hi Jolene,
Boy is Riley growing...again!! He is officially 58.5 lbs at 16 weeks, with 5 days to go before he is officially 4 months old! Each day we notice a change in him.
Our trainer is very impressed by how smart Riley is and how quickly he learns. He thinks that our brilliant puppy is advanced for his age.
Riley is truly a family dog... always wanting to be with us. His latest trick is learning how to jump on the bed and is a great alarm clock for Knox. He gives lots of kisses and high fives, too! We are really enjoying watching Riley grow and learn. He is a challenge, but a sweet puppy. Ruby and Thumper should be proud.
Take care! We will send more updates soon!
Allison and Knox July 01, 2005
Hi Jolene,
I hope you are doing well! Riley is growing by the second, and is getting
sweeter by the day. He is starting to cuddle more and bite me less! He
a good boy and very smart!
I thought you might enjoy some pictures of him at 7 and 8 weeks. Again,
thank you for our baby! Our vet said that he may top Thumper is size and
weight and said that she was surprised that you gave him up since he would
be a great stud dog. We really enjoy him!
Take care!
Allison May 13, 2005
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Koda (Zawarah)
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Kodi (Ruby) Kodi (Shahana) Kodi (KuBear) Kodi (Okoee)
Kodiak (Laney) Kodiak (Tawnie) Kodiak (Zawarah) Kozei Kujo
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Puppy Kindergarten Graduate Photos Basic Obedience Graduate Photos