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Send us your Kindergarten & Obedience Graduation photos!!
Miki Arrluk - "Miki" "MikˇI" Black & White Alaskan Malamute - Full Mask Full Mask - Combination of cap, goggles, and bar.
Miki is a littermate of Meika and Smokey Thumper & Zateema are mom & dad |
Miki with Rastus
Hi Jolene;
Here's some updated photos of Miki
Tanya and Family May 2012
Here are some updated pic's of Miki.
I am including a couple of Miki and Rastus.
Misty & family. August 01, 2009
I have been bad :(
I have not sent any pic's since last Thanksgiving.
Here are a few of Miki :)
Misty & family. November 19, 2006
Good shots of Miki in Big Bear & at soccer
Talk with you soon
Misty & family. March 20, 2006
Went to the vet today....
ready ???? .........
Miki weighed in at 129.20lbs.
Misty & family. December 4, 2005
Here is a really cute picture of Miki in the park today. We were trying to get pictures for our family Christmas Card, boy was he a handful.
Miki has grown more since my last email. he is 121.50lbs. vet scale and 31" at shoulder (he was at the vet's on Thursday and boy were they surprised to see that he had grown 2 inches in a little less than 2 weeks and put on a couple more pounds)
Talk with you soon
Misty & family. November 20, 2005
Since Miki turned 10 months old last weekend we thought we better get his current weight. Miki weighed in today at 118.30 pounds vet scale. He is 29 inches at his shoulder.
We took Miki to Petsmart today, and of course it took us over an hour to get a couple of items as everyone had to stop and see Miki. He is always the hit when we go places.
I am attaching a picture of Miki and Shanook together to show how Miki towers over Shanook. Our little old man (Shanook) looks so small sitting next to Miki. I am also attaching a great picture of Miki's face
In case we have not said it enough - thanks again for such a wonderful addition to our family, we could don't imagine our life without him :)
Talk to you soon
Misty & family. November 07, 2005
Took Miki to the dog park. Here are a couple of pictures, he had a ball ,of course he found the water there and got himself all wet, and then of course all dirty :) When we got home he went right out back and jumped in the pool and took a swim to cool down - ha ha
Misty & family. September 24, 2005
Here is a cute picture of Miki with his pal Sadie. We were at a birthday
party, and they had a ball chasing each other around. This was when they
laid down for a rest
Misty & family. September 11, 2005
 slow method getting in
 quicker method getting in
 just chillin'
 play ball or swim, hmm....
 definite water dog :)
Thought I'd send you some of the pictures of Miki from last week when he was having fun swimming. We were trying to clean up the pool area (it was still a mess from the construction) when Miki and the kids were having a ball swimming.
Misty & family. July 23, 2005

As of last week Miki weighs 82 pounds vet scale.
He seems to have slowed a bit in weight, but is growing in height right now.
I thought you would like to see this picture of him. He has a thing for daddy's chili plants, and the pot he is in he pulled the plant out of a couple of days before, and when the yard got watered it was mud, so he had a grand ol' time playing in it.
Take care and talk with you soon
Misty & family. July 15, 2005


Here are some cute ones from this morning.
Miki was playing with the cat, and the other one is when we went to the park and he was running.
Have a great weekend
Misty & family. June 04, 2005

Miki with Basic Obedience Certificate & Trophy
Tonight was Miki's graduation for basic obedience.
He did very well. Miki was the youngest in his class, and he scored 100 points out of 200 possible in the obedience testing.
There were dogs much older than him that only scored 97.
The instructor said it is really hard for a puppy as young as Miki to score 100 points. I only had to correct him twice, where is messed up was on the recall, he ran to my daughter instead of me (darn kids, puppies like them much more than us adults), and he wanted to pull during the heel exercise more than he normally does. He normally excels at the down stay but those darn kids broke his concentration and he wanted to go play - he he :)
He got a certificate and a trophy for his hard work (the only trophies given out were for 1st 2nd & 3rd place, and our little Miki for such a job well done at his age).
So all and all I am VERY proud of him, as was the instructor.
He got lots of love and praises tonight for doing so well, of course he soaked it all up :)
We will be starting his drill classes in July that is with the same instructor.
I am attaching some pictures for you. They are not as good as I would have liked, but the class in the park at night.
We still have graduation on Thursday for his puppy K. class, so that will be more fun for him, the obedience was harder, as he had to work and did not get to play the much.
Misty & family. May 25, 2005

Miki & Shanook

Miki & Shanook

Miki & Shanook
Took some this morning of both boys, so you can see how big Miki is to our 14 year old guy.
It won't be long and Miki will tower over our old man.
P.S. Miki has stopped limping, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it was only a strain since he seems to be doing better
Misty & family. April 10, 2005

Miki & Mom - Puppy Kindergarden

Miki & classmates
Today was Miki's first day in puppy K. He is the youngest, and of course the biggest in his class. There are 5 puppies in his class, so it will be alot of fun since it is a smaller class. There is a Pit Pull named Taco that is the closest to Miki's size and wanted to play with him so bad.
Here are 2 pictures for you, one is of Miki and his little classmates, and one with Miki and me (I look terrible).
Thanks for the new pictures of Thumper, he is so handsome.
Our trainer was in love with Miki. She said that she and her fiancé want a giant, and that they have been looking, I gave her your card that has your website on it so she could see all of your beautiful dogs and puppies. She was just amazed at how beautiful Miki was.
I am thinking about enrolling Miki in the doggy day care. ...the dogs there all seem sooooo happy and the staff is so wonderful with them (of course not until his knee is better (slippery floor accident), so probably a couple of weeks from now). I think he would really like playing with the other dogs for half of the day.
Will keep you posted on how he does in his classes and how his knee is.
Misty & family. April 07, 2005

NO WAY !!!!!! I know he is growing, but you know how it is when you see them everyday, you don't realize how much they are growing. Well, I went to pick him up tonight and was having a problem since he is getting so big. I asked Roy to pick him up, and when he did, I almost fell off the couch. Here is a picture of Roy holding him, WOW !!!!! what a big boy already :)
And so fluffy after a good bath and brushing this evening, it rained again yesterday, and he is a mud dog, loves to find the mud and get in it :)
Misty & family. March 24, 2005
Hello Jolene,
I have to give you kudos on what you do at your premises with all the dogs, sorry about having to redo your property.
My best compliment about you is that your puppies are very sound and are everything you stated about your pups to us. Miki is the love of our life and we are very thankful for having him (thanking you and God). Jolene, don't ever stop your breeding practices, because you are the bomb and don't let anybody tell you different, I have told many people about you and you probably will get many calls from my recommendations mentioning my name or Misty's. Once again, thanks for Miki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ @
Roy J. Orona Jr. March 24, 2005



Well today was our first "puppy"day. I turned my back on Miki for all of two minutes and he ate the corner of my couch. You should have seen his face when I came around the corner, it was like he was saying "mom, it just looked so good I could not help myself, and you looked away."
Little turkey :)
At least it was the corner, and not that noticeable.
I thought I'd send you new pictures since he is now 11 weeks old, it is so amazing how he changes every week, he is really growing, and he is so much fun, we are enjoying his company so much.
I will find out next week how much he weighs when he goes to the vet for his next shots, so I will let you know after his appt.
Best to you and all your mal family :)
Misty & family March 16, 2005

Just thought you might like to see Miki's latest picture.
Roy J. Orona Jr. March 04, 2005
Hi Jolene,
Just a pic. of him in the front yard doing his thing while I'm trying to get him inside.
Roy J. Orona Jr. February 27, 2005


Well, he (Miki Arrluk - the correct spelling of his name) stole the show at the airport. When we got to the hanger, we took our old man out to go with us to meet him, and the people knew we were there to get the little guy, you could hear him talking from where we parked our car. Everyone that worked in the hanger as well as the hanger next door were all around him just cooing at him. They had taken him out of his kennel and were giving him food and water. There was this poor little dachshund that was being ignored as our little guy was the hit :)
Everyone could not believe how fluffy he was, and so beautiful, they did not want us to take him home
Miki has met all of our family and everyone loves him.
You were not kidding when you said he talks alot, we have really enjoyed listening to him in just the couple of hours he has been home.
Thank you so much for bringing this little guy into our lives, it is such a joy to have him :)
Here is the first picture (many more to come as he grows) of his new family
Thanks again :)
Misty, Roy, Kelliann, Tanya, Shanook & Miki Arrluk February 19, 2005
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or look them up by puppy name
Abby Ace Ah-me Aikido Alpha AnnaBella Bear Apache Apache Nyga Apollo Aspen Aspen Ebony Aspen Isis Athena Atlas Atka Augusta Augustus Baloo Balou Bandit Bandit Beignet Bella Blizzard
Casey Cash Chalali Chinook
Cimarron Cinnabar Clicquot
Cowboy Dakota Dakota Nyga Dakota Cherokee Damnit
Danali (Zawarah) Danali Daulton Diamond Dozer Duke
Fenwick Foxy Grizzley Gumbo Gunner Harley Huan Hunter
Java Icy Jill Jinx Juliette Juneau Juneau R-Tic Juneau Judo Juno Kaskae
Kaydan Kayobi
Keara Jade Kenzi Khali
Kindred Kip Kissa
Kita Koa
Koda (Keva - LA)
Koda (Keva - ME)
Koda (Zawarah)
Kodi Legs
Kodi (Ruby) Kodi (Shahana) Kodi (KuBear) Kodi (Okoee)
Kodiak (Laney) Kodiak (Tawnie) Kodiak (Zawarah) Kozei Kujo
Kulmalla Kury Lacey Lakota Laiya
Leia Leta Lex Logan
Loki Loki Kayobi Maui Maya Meeka Mia Meika
Miki Miko Mikou
Misty Mojo Moses  
Murray Nanuq Nicko Nikko Niko Noel
Odin Oreo Panda Phoenix Promise Raiden Rastus Reba Rebel Riku
Riley Rocky Rukus Sahara Sasha Sasha red Samson
Sebastian Sebastian (Isis)
Serenity Snow Angel Shadow Shila Shiloh Shtiya Shuka Siku
Sitka Sitka (Shinook) Smokey Sophie Spirit Spynx Odin Summer Taku
Talon Blaze Tango Tank Tayen
Tikaani (Tiki) Thor Thor Ruby Thunder Timber Timber (Shinook) Tyko
Ukiah Baby Vito Werther Whilloughby
Willow Yogi Yukon Zeus Zeus Keva Zoey
Puppy Kindergarten Graduate Photos Basic Obedience Graduate Photos